A True Product Leader Serves His Customers

Only be a servant approach to your clients you can achieve true mastery in product leadership.

Dawid Pacholczyk
Product Coalition
Published in
4 min readDec 10, 2019


Photo by Neil Thomas on Unsplash

So simple, yet so hard to achieve. I’ve met many young product managers. Every each of them was thrilled about their new role because now they had the power to build the product, to show the direction. The only problem was their attitude. They approached this role from an imperious position. What they didn’t know is that to become a great product leader they must become servants of their clients.

Now to make it a bit clearer. Being a servant for your clients is not about doing everything that they want. It’s about changing your attitude. So let’s make a deeper dive and let’s try to understand it a bit better.

You can’t force it

Your idea might be awesome. You can create a fantastic and unique product, yet nobody will use it. There are two common reasons for this.

  1. You are not solving a problem
  2. There is no need for your solution

But what it has to do with being a servant for your clients? It’s easy.

If you don’t want to serve your clients you don’t understand their problems. You are focused on you, your business, and your goals…



Manager, lecturer, researcher. I turn knowledge and experience into words to help others.