5 Sci-Fi Movies All UX Designers Should Watch

Accurate Predictions & What We Can Learn From Them.

Product Coalition
Published in
6 min readJan 28, 2023


Science fiction movies can be valuable for UX designers to watch as they often explore the relationship between humans and technology in imaginative ways.

In fact, I have highlighted what UX designers could learn from watching science fiction in this article. Please feel free to have a read:

While there are many great science fictions out there, here are the 5 that correctly predicted today’s world:

1. Minority Report (2001)

Minority Report was released in 2002, is directed by Steven Spielberg, and starred Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell, and Samantha Morton. The film is set in Washington, D.C. in the year 2054, where a specialized police department known as “Precrime” uses the ability of “precogs” (people with psychic abilities) to predict and prevent crimes before they occur. The main character, John Anderton, is the chief of Precrime and is himself accused of a future murder by the precogs.

The film explores themes of free will, determinism, and the ethics of using technology to predict and prevent crime. It also features advanced technology such as gesture-based controls and personalized advertising, which are now widely used in fields such as virtual reality and smart home devices.

In terms of user experience, one of the key takeaways from the film is the concept of “gesture-based interfaces.” The film depicts a future where people interact with technology using natural…



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