20 Product Management Memes to Brighten Your Day

Product is hard, sometimes you just need a good laugh 😂

Ant Murphy
Product Coalition


#1: The ruthless PM

#2: Feature Parity

#3: Great idea, let me just write that down…

#4: We’ll get around to it one day

#5: One does not simply skip discovery

#6: Just let me have this one…

#7: #darkmode

#8: Nice idea, but no!

#9: Just book some time in

#10: Immovable dates

#11: “Responding to change”

#12: Decision making 101

#13: But we’re at capacity

#14: Goddammit, sales were right!

#15: Check out all those user stories

#16: Those dreaded demos

#17: Tech debt

#18: Product Manger conversations be like

#19: The backlog…where ideas go to die

#20: Living life on the edge

📣 FYI: I’ve increased my availability for virtual 1:1 PM coaching. If you’re interested — perhaps you’ve started a new role, looking for guidance or want to level up your PM skills — get in touch at antmurphy.me

I’m also launching an online learning platform with deep dives into specific PM topics, like Stakeholder Management, Prioritization, Product Strategy, etc.

Get updates at productpathways.com.



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